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3 Steps To Breakthrough Self-Sabotage đŸ€”

Updated: Jun 20, 2023

Self-sabotage can be a difficult thing to overcome. It can be challenging to identify and even harder to change. This post will discuss three ways to overcome your self-sabotaging patterns and become the person you want to be.

Self-sabotage can lead to lower productivity levels, increased stress levels, poor health outcomes, and more.

Many people hold themselves back because they are scared of failure or change. The simple truth is you will never know if you don't jump in and take a chance.

People often self-sabotage when they fail to believe in their ability to succeed without giving it a whirl first.

Self-sabotage happens as a result of fear, so you need to overcome those fears if you want a breakthrough!

Overcoming self-sabotage is possible with the right mindset and support system.

Change Your Mindset☀

The first step in overcoming self-sabotage is changing your mindset. One of the things that hold many people back is their mindset.

People are so determined to stay in a comfort zone and find ways for everything to be easy, even if it means staying stuck where they are. The key here is to change your mindset. If you want to become successful in any area of your life, start thinking positive thoughts and focusing on growth.

Start believing in yourself, and don't allow anything or anyone to discourage you from being the person you are meant to be.

One of the biggest factors in overcoming self-sabotage is working daily on your mindset. Changing our thought patterns and behaviors can be difficult, but it becomes easier over time with work and consistency.

Inner Work Activity 📓

Self-sabotage is easy to identify in others but difficult to see in ourselves. When we are self-sabotaging, it typically occurs without realizing it, which worsens the problem over time. An excellent way to identify whether or not you are self-sabotaging yourself is by asking yourself these questions:

Do your behaviors interfere with reaching a goal or fulfilling a dream?

Do you find that your efforts don't ever seem to pay off? (Like possibly feel like you are on a hamster wheel.)

When things start going well for you, do negative thoughts and feeling creep in, holding you back from achieving true success?

If the answer is yes to any of these questions, you are most likely struggling with self-sabotage.

For example, someone starts a new job and then walks out on it after one month without having another position lined up. Another example might be trying to lose weight through dieting but only eating ice cream every day instead of healthy foods.

Action Steps:

đŸ’«Write about some examples that show up in your life when you are self-sabotaging.

🌟Cultivate Positive Thought Patterns (Mindset)

Changing your mindset means cultivating positive thought patterns. Developing a mindset that is proactive and open to learning new things will help you overcome self-sabotage immensely. One way of doing this is by keeping a journal every day where you write or doodle out your feelings, thoughts, etc., so that you can look back and see what's changed, how it's changing, and where you want to go next.

đŸ’«Write out your goal for the week in your journal.

đŸ’«Create a daily action plan that will help grow this goal into something full-fledged! Think of new strategies or things that might work better than what you're doing now.

Identify Self-Sabotaging Patterns

The second step in overcoming self-sabotage is Identifying self-sabotaging patterns. One of the biggest questions about self-sabotage is why do people do it to themselves. If you are someone who has attempted to lose weight at some point, then the odds are that you have experienced the power of this behavior. The simple answer is pain or loss aversion. When we feel like someone or something does us wrong, we respond with behaviors that keep us in a comfort zone so that we don't have to take any risks and stay where there is known certainty.

For example, an abusive childhood experience might have taught you that people would take advantage of your trusting nature if you put yourself out there. You might sabotage relationships by being mistrusting or closing yourself off. You may have a fear of intimacy, and so you may self-sabotage any connections that could become intimate to stay safe from further pain while also punishing the other person for hurting your feelings in some way.

Inner Work Activity📔

Self-Sabotaging Patterns

The first step is identifying patterns that lead us to self-sabotage.

The second step is recognizing the feelings that lead to these patterns.

Finally, it would be best to find an alternative behavior that serves your goals instead of sabotaging them.

Action Steps:

đŸ’«Write down three self-sabotaging patterns you identified.

đŸ’«Write down three feelings that lead to these patterns.

đŸ’«Implement your alternative behavior daily to breakthrough.

Find a Community for SupportđŸ€—

The third step in overcoming self-sabotage is finding a community for support. One of the best things that you can do to overcome self-sabotage is find support. It's much easier to accomplish your goals with a group or community, whether in person or online.

Find support from others or a professional who can help you on your journey of developing positive thought patterns; this could be a friend, family member, therapist, coach, etc. It's important to have someone by your side as you work through things so that you have a greater chance of success.

Support Groups Online: Using social media groups for this would work great! People are very supportive, and it would be a great way to get tips and ideas.

5-Minute Coaching Community: This is a great community with like-minded women here to support each other.

Inner Work Activity📓

Who is one person you can talk to about your self-sabotaging patterns?

What are some things that they could do for you if you were struggling with these sabotaging behaviors? (i.e., taking notes or keeping track of what triggers certain feelings or Accountability.)

Action Steps:

đŸ’«Choose someone in your life that will support you when self-sabotaging patterns arise.

đŸ’«Find a support group that resonates with you and join it.

đŸ’«Join our online community listed above or if you are already a member, invite a friend.

đŸ’«Write down at least two action steps you can take to support other members of our community. This could include things like giving advice, answering questions, or just being present for them!

If you're still struggling with self-sabotage, don't give up hope! We've had plenty of time in life to practice our negative behaviors. It might take some time to learn new ways to break free from self-destructive behavior and patterns. There are many ways that you can break through these patterns. Try taking some time for yourself each day to reflect on the goals you want to achieve and think about what you can do to make those goals a reality. Don't be afraid to ask for help and utilize the support of your friends, family members, online communities, or even a professional.

😃🙏😃"Proudly empowered by ConnectNow."

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