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How to Develop a Positive Attitude In Uncertain Times

Updated: Apr 25, 2021

Our attitude and the way we show up even during challenging times are crucial. Attitude is the way that "I" choose to present myself. It is a direct reflection of results, beliefs, assumptions, and behaviors. Our results are founded on habits, assumptions, beliefs, expectations, and attitudes.

Notice your attitude. Your attitude is a direct reflection of your results. Regardless of your past conditioning and negative attitudes, and poor habits, you can overcome negative attitudes. To improve your results, develop positive thoughts and a positive attitude.


-When you notice your attitude being sluggish or negative, instantly shift to a positive attitude

-Notice positive qualities within the people you surround yourself with and compliment them

"Each day I come with a positive attitude, focusing on the better me."

-Alisha Nicole


1. Smile when you feel sluggish: Smile all day long and smile at the people around YOU even when you go to the grocery store. Smile at strangers.

2. Name three things you are grateful for: when you shift to gratitude, it changes your vibration.

3. Compliment a stranger and compliment yourself: it feels good to edify and complement others, including yourself. Focus on getting yourself into a feel-good state.

4. Respond instead of reacting: Pick your battles and respond with a clean heart. We tend to react in the heat of the moment. Take a minute to breathe and respond.

5. Do not take things personally: Focus on not taking offense and shift the situation or circumstance.

6. Shift your energy: Put your two fists together when you feel sluggish or like you are having a bad day and say out loud, HAAAAA with intense emotion. This will shift your energy.

7. Use affirmations: Write three affirmations about yourself and state out loud; these are my TRUTH.

8. Be still: Spend 2 minutes in silence telling yourself positive self-talk, then journal about it.

9. Greater good: Look for the greater good in all circumstances.

10. Interrupt: Interrupt your negative habits and replace them with positive habits.

11. Hug someone: Give someone a hug. This will create a positive emotional experience.

12. Positive self-talk: Tell yourself each day TODAY is going to be a good day.

-Journal about the ways you focus on staying positive even through challenging times

Our attitude will prompt us to act or behave in a certain way. Focusing on a positive attitude will change our behavior, which will change our results.

"Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results."

-Willie Nelsen

A tool that will assist with developing a positive attitude Self-Talk Journal, and Gratitude Journal available on Amazon by Alisha Nicole

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