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Updated: Dec 22, 2020

Did you know that 80% of new years resolutions that are set are broken by February? Yup, 80%... 🤔🤔 🤔 I know, right! Isn't that a punch to the gut? Your intentions were great. Setting the goal was awesome! It’s not enough to succeed at a goal by just dreaming. You have to take action and do what it takes to follow through, no matter what! Are you a DOER or a DREAMER? The DOER does what the DREAMER dreams...

We are already nearing the middle of January. Ask your self this question. How are you doing on the goals you set for yourself for your 2019 NEW YEARS RESOLUTION? Are you taking action? What is getting in your way?

The key to successfully fulfilling your goals for your new year's resolution is to shift your mindset. To do this, you MUST change the way you think. When you change the way you think, you will CHANGE your new year's resolution, RESULTS.

We all have patterns we have created with our mindset. It has taken us a lifetime to create these patterns. You have to reset your mindset pattern by making changes.

PUSH THROUGH the roadblocks. When you feel like life is getting in your way and dealing with life circumstances, push through. These are the times that you grow the most. OVERCOME these blocks in the road. You have these fantastic goals set for your SUCCESS, do not let the bumps in the road get in your way.

STAY POSITIVE. Your attitude is everything. When you change your attitude, you change your results. When you feel your ATTITUDE dropping into a negative state, interrupt your energy, and focus on gratitude. SHIFT your energy to positive in every circumstance. I know it is easier said than done. Work on this. Change your pattern.

BELIEVE. Believe you can achieve it. Believe you are worthy and enough because you are. We only perform at a level where our belief system is. So interrupt your belief pattern if it is holding YOU back and CHANGE your mindset. Believe in yourself!

CELEBRATE when you reach your GOAL. When you meet a goal, you set for yourself, celebrate. You deserve it. It is such an accomplishment. Then move on to the next GOAL.

CHEERS to all of your SUCCESS in 2019! You've got this.


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