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An Essential Skill to Master for Success

Updated: Dec 22, 2020

I believe that all people should master this particular skill, self-assurance. Self-assurance is similar to self-confidence. People would benefit from mastering this skill in several ways. The number one benefit is SUCCESS. With self-assurance mastered, we would see more success in this world. We would see success in business, the economy, relationships, and friendships. People would know their strengths and who they are. They would take risks, take a stand, take on new challenges, follow-through, deliver, and grow. “The only thing that can grow is the thing that you give energy to .” I believe this is a skill because it is challenging to keep being self-assured every day. Life changes daily. There are new circumstances and tragic events people are dealing with every second. It takes an effort to be able to master this skill. When you choose to live a self -assured life, you can achieve many goals in your lifetime. When you are self-assured, you live accountable for your own life. Taking control and moving forward no matter what get’s in the way. When you are self-assured, you do not let others drag you down. You keep your head up and focus on your goals and desires. “Like the keel of a ship, it withstands many different pressures and keeps you on course.” Think back to when you were a child. What are the behaviors of a child? How did you feel? A child is carefree, resilient, full of love, honest, and self-assured. Just imagine what it would be like to keep that spirit in your adulthood. When you are a child, you live your life so confident and carefree. You feel safe, secure, joyful, happy, and excited. You have an enthusiasm for life. Life should always be this way, no matter how old you are. We lose that belief in ourselves. A possible reason may stem from a comment made to us or a tragic event as a child. One event, little or big, can change the beliefs of a child. A child will carry their new beliefs into their adulthood.

I remember an incident that happened to me when I was a child. I was in elementary school. There was this boy that said horrible things to me.

Those little comments stuck with me. I did not realize it until one day, I took a self-awareness course, and I learned about things we hold on to from childhood. I realized those little comments were still in my head. I took those comments into my adulthood, not even realizing it. This is an example of where self-assurance is essential. We need to believe in ourselves and who we are—not believing in what other people say or do to us—not letting that innocent, carefree child lose their dreams, hopes, and desires. Teach our children to keep their inner child beliefs and be self-assured. By doing so would allow them to be able to make decisions wisely when they are older. If more self-assured people in this world, we would have more creators, more leaders, less poverty, and less disease. We could even create world peace. We need to be all going in the same direction, being self-assured. Loving others, supporting others, and allowing others to be themselves and have their own beliefs. We can have the attitude that “if one door closes, another one will open .” Each one of us has a vision in life. The only way we can reach our vision is with the support of others and our self-assurance. The consequence of not having this skill is, you are not all that you can be. You are not living your life to your full potential. You are holding yourself in your smallness. You are not living in your greatness. You are not giving all that you can offer. You are not contributing and giving all that you have to the world. Therefore your dreams are still dreams, and hopes are still hopes. By being self-assured, you will have the confidence to go out and pursue your hopes and dreams. Make a difference in the world. Help others who are less fortunate. Become a leader in the world. Maybe even leave a legacy. Once you can show gratitude in your life, become and live self-assurance, others will see this. You will attract people into your life. They will notice YOU in your greatness. You will become an inspiration for others to live a life of self-assurance.

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