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So Many Shoes & Only Two Feet to Wear Them

Updated: Feb 17, 2021

The feeling of anxiety is so overwhelming. Anxiety and stress is a common affliction, and that's not surprising. The world is much more demanding and complex than our brains were designed to handle. The expectations we put on ourselves and the demand to portray unrealistic social media lifestyles. The expectations we put on ourselves to be perfect, to fit in, or even just to get done with the daily demands we put on ourselves. So many shoes to wear in this world and only two feet to wear them. The results affect our mental health and well being.

Consider all the expectations you put on yourself. You want everyone to like you. You do not feel comfortable when embarrassed. You want everyone to accept everything you say and do. You do not want to feel rejected. You want to meet the expectations of those around you. The unfulfilled expectations leave us feeling like we are not good enough or perfect, contributing to anxiety and depression.

Reduce the intensity of your anxiety using these strategies:

1. Focus on the things you want instead of the things you do not want. When you focus on the things you don't want, you bring more feelings of anxiety.

2. Go for a walk and allow yourself to walk and talk. Walk and talk is a powerful process to work on your self-talk. Enroll in a yoga class, or sign up for a gym pass. Exercise is a powerful way to burn off that extra stress you carry.

3. Declutter your life. "Clear your stuff, clear your life, and see the results. Clutter contributes to anxiety. It is healthy to surrender and let go! Create a healthy space in your workplace, relationships, and your LIFE! You deserve it! If you are not ready to let go and declutter, push yourself, the results are so worth it! If you have to let go and give your clutter away for a greater cause, then do so! Ready set go!!!

4. Declutter your brain. Take care of the things that are on your mind. Procrastination creates mental clutter and stress. Trying to remember something is challenging for your brain too. Make a task list and use a calendar and alarms to ease the load on your brain. "Clutter is the physical manifestation of unmade decisions fueled by procrastination."

5. Spend time with your pet. Pets are great for reducing anxiety. Play on the floor with your cat. Take the dog for a walk.

6. Think positive thoughts. You're anxious because you're thinking about something that makes you feel nervous or something negative. Celebrate your accomplishments; little milestones help minimize anxiety.

7. Change your lifestyle. We tend to get into bad habits. Evaluate your diet and exercise. Your diet can have a negative impact on your stress levels. Pay attention to what is working for you and what is not. Listen to your body.

8. Focus on giving and receiving. Give yourself something to look forward to. Learn to give with a clean, loving heart without expectations. Learn to receive with gratitude and acceptance. If you become a genuine intention person, you will naturally live the universal law of flow. The law of flow is to give and receive; you must release thoughts and things to create space for the new. No matter how stressed you feel, make it a habit to give and receive.

9. Take time for yourself. Meditate, journal about your thoughts. Read a book, re-watch your favorite movie, or try a new restaurant.

10. Find a solution. Maybe you can solve the issue that is contributing to your anxiety. Dig deep, be willing to do the work, and ask yourself the questions. What is this about? Why am I feeling this way? If there's anything you can do to resolve the situation, taking the time to listen to yourself and process through it will be worth it.

11. Take slow, deep breaths. Changing your breathing patterns can interrupt the anxiety. Your breathing becomes shallow and faster when you are feeling stressed. You can counteract many physical symptoms of anxiety by just slowing down your breaths and increasing the depth. You can even breathe slowly into the sleeve of your shirt, and this will calm you down.

12. Step out of your comfort zone. Do something different. Do something you have never done before. Anything different can break your pattern and relieve some of your anxiety. Most of us live clinging to our comfort zone. There is minimal growth in our comfort zone. The comfort zone is where we feel safe, we avoid, and we live in our FEARS. Write down five ways you live in your comfort zone. Write down five ways you become stuck and stagnant. Write a plan moving forward how you will go beyond your comfort zone and step out into the unknown and push yourself to expand personal growth and empowerment.

13. Focus on responding instead of reacting. Stop, take a deep breath; it is better to respond with a clean heart rather than react, say, and do things you cannot take back.

If nothing seems to work, seek professional help.

Take a deep breath, be grateful for those shoes, and focus on minimizing your anxiety. Let go of the belief that you have to suffer from the discomfort of anxiety. Do everything you can to find relief without making your challenges worse. Take one step at a time wearing those shoes proudly, preparing yourself for great things. If you're unable to find a suitable solution, get help from a professional.

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