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You've Lost Your Motivation: Here's How to Get it Back- 7 Tips for Staying Productive

Updated: Jun 19, 2021

‍👏💪😊‼️ 📚 Read our tips below on how you can get your motivation back, remain vigilant in achieving goals, and staying focused.

It's easy to get discouraged when you feel like you're not making any progress on your goals. It can be challenging to stay motivated and productive. But, staying focused is necessary if you want to succeed at anything in life. Here are seven tips for getting your motivation back and staying productive!

1) Make a "To-Do" list every day: You need a plan of action before the day even begins, or else it will be too tempting just to sit around and do nothing all day long!

Plus, a to-do list will give you something to work towards for the day.

✨ Gem: Include simple tasks on your "To-Do" list that are achievable first thing in the morning or throughout the day, like making coffee, calling an important client, finishing up some light reading before bed. These little things can make it easier to stay motivated throughout the day.

✨ Gem: Make sure your list includes tasks for all of the various aspects of your work or life that need attention - from relationships and health to career goals and personal plans. You can't have a productive day if you aren't staying on top of everything!

2) Write down your goals every day: If they're written down, then there is no question why you should work towards them today instead of tomorrow!

You may have a to-do list, but making your goals visible on paper or in an app can keep them at the forefront of your mind and remind you what's most important.

3) Get an accountability partner: Sometimes, it's hard to stay motivated when

you're the only one holding yourself accountable. Find someone who will push and motivate you to be your best!

Having an accountability partner can help you stay motivated by being your "cheerleader" and supporting you in both the good times and bad.

There are many benefits to having an accountability partner: they can motivate you, keep you focused on what's most important, encourage you when things get challenging or difficult, remind them of progress made rather than setbacks experienced - and they can help to keep you accountable, which will lead to more success.

✨ Gem: Stay positive and focus on the desired outcome(s)

4) Break down your priorities: List your priorities from the most important to the least, and then figure out how much time you can commit towards each priority. The goal is not to do everything at once! If it's a high-priority task that takes up too many of your available hours in one day (I'm talking about an hour or more), leave this for tomorrow so there will be plenty of time to complete this task.


- Schedule a work meeting with your boss (high priority) - 15 minutes

- Complete the introduction for our blog post series (medium priority) - 30 minutes

- Write out next week's to-do list and highlight tasks that need more time invested. (low priority) - 40 minutes

✨ Gem: For high priority, give yourself ample time to complete it. Low priorities are tasks that take a little bit of your time and can be completed within the day.

5) Eliminate distractions: Figure out what distracts you the most, and then eliminate it. If social media is your biggest distraction, try signing off for a few hours or shutting down notifications on these sites during work time!

6) Focus on task until complete: "I'm going to work on this project for 30 minutes." Divide the task into bite-sized chunks, set a timer, and do it!

"Ok, I am starting with these three things. When done, will move onto something else until all are completed!" ‍👏💪😊 ‼

-Dividing tasks in half: This is a good strategy for someone who has some experience and would like to have more responsibility.

-The Pomodoro Technique: Set your timer on 25 minutes, work intensely for that time period, then take breaks every few hours or after chunks of four Pomodoro. (Measurement of time)

-Slowing down: What's going on? Ask yourself this question... Why are you so frustrated with this task? Take a deep breath, take some time to think about what's happening. It will help if you figure out why your motivation is not there and then make an effort to change that by making it something feasible for yourself or changing the way you see it.

-End Result: What's the reward? If you can't think of any, imagine what would happen if you did not get this task done. Think about how your life could be different as a result of completing this task.

7) Evaluate: Evaluate what worked for you and what did not work for you. Ask yourself what you could have done differently next time to be more productive.

Examples: I think I'll start blocking out my time for the day and not overbooking myself.

-Block out a time for work, sleep, and free time.

-Ask myself one task I can do when waking up before doing anything else, so I start the day off with something achieved!

Examples: Maybe if I took some deep breaths in between each activity like stretching or meditation, it would help me stay more focused throughout each task.

-Do a deep breathing exercise before starting each activity.

-Go for a walk, take some time to do something you enjoy or just have fun, in general, every day! Just make sure it is not too long of an activity where you are wasting time.

-Take breaks to clear your mind and make sure to take care of yourself. Just remember that you are worth it. A part of taking care of yourself is celebrating the milestones and success along the way.

What's your motivation? Every person has a certain amount of creativity that can be tapped into. Some people draw, others write, some listen to music - find what works for you and do it! It might take time, but the feeling afterward is worth it.

In conclusion, if you create a plan of action and take the initiative to accomplish your goals, you will be able to work more productively and efficiently. The more you achieve, the more motivated you will feel. Motivation boosts your productivity and keeps you on track.

This article gives some really good tips for people who want to be more productive and do the things they need but are lacking motivation or feeling stuck in procrastination mode."‍👏💪😊 ‼" "Proudly empowered by ConnectNow."

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